On-going Recruitment Exercise

Dear Matrixian,

First time we use Matrixian as a way to address the community members of MATRIX.

AI and blockchain are significant technologies for empowering the modern wave of digital transformation. Matrix AI Network (MAN) blended the two elements with a vision to create a decentralized AI economy.

Look around NFTs, most are digital images. Have you thought about an AI algorithm can be trained and traded as an NFT revolutionizing the current and mainstream application. MATRIX makes it possible with MANTA for training algorithms, MANIA as intelligent authentication, and MANAS for AI service. These are actually being delivered.

MATRIX has partnerships with One Belt One Road in the areas of smart energy, smart maintenance, power grid and smart industrial park. Even more, Matrix has the first of its kind bio-wallet which can be used as decentralized identity for Web 3.0.

With new members joining our community, we would like to open the door and welcome interested person to participate in the development of MATRIX. In view of such, a form is created below. Please feel free to input and see which areas you would like to contribute, covering Tech, Content, Promotion and Community. This initiative is on-going, and welcome to join anytime. Upon submission, we will be contacting suitable ones for more details.


In April, we shall look into merging the AMA form with this Recruitment form, such that the Matrixian will only go to one place for these two purposes.

Enjoy the adventure with MATRIX.